Hello world!

I haven’t been blogging for a while now. In the mean time, I read somewhere that Microsoft was closing shop on their blog site, and I was quite irritated. Why would they not send a nice email to the bloggers on their site (or at least me), instead of letting them find out from a news article? What if they didn’t read the news for a day or two?

This is my first post on WordPress.com. Funny that Microsoft kindly arranged to have my account “migrated” to a different site instead of trying to compete harder, instead of leaving me out to find a new home by myself. So far this site seems to be nicer than live.com. No wonder Microsoft can’t compete.

While I’m kind of grateful that Microsoft thought of a way for me to go on blogging, and that the new site turned out kind of OK, I’m not completely happy about it. For you see, for some reason, Microsoft’s live.com is just about the only site that is reachable from within the Great Firewall of China. Not Google’s blogspot.com, nor this site. Maybe Chinese government didn’t realize that live.com has a blog site! It was very small, after all! That must be it!

I also wonder what WordPress.com has done to deserve the ire of the Chinese government (I know what Google did, and I have mixed feelings about that). Maybe some careless blogger inadvertently mentioned some dissidents, like Liu Xiaobo? But wait, without Chinese government’s contribution, he would never have gotten the recognition that he did, such as winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I’m deeply puzzled.


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